Essential Digital Skills
Coming soon, april 2021
A low cost, high quality and the perfect addition to your Traineeship/Kickstart/Restart/Apprenticeship offer.
With the advancement of technology moving faster with each passing day, employers need employees to understand digital skills to operate within the workplace.
All businesses have a digital element so it's vital they employ people that have the correct knowledge and training to succeed and grow.
The world of work is constantly changing, and employers expect employees to arrive with the skills needed to support the business now and in the future.
And we can help…
The LearnBox Essential Digital Skills course provides an innovative and modern approach to master these skills. The course is accessible anytime and anywhere on either the LearnBox platform or on one of our partners platforms. It provides learners with digital skills and knowledge that will help them find/sustain employment and it’s delivered digitally so they are utilising and improving these skills right throughout.
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